Tutorial Guide

Lesson 3 Beginners Course
Making action boxes
Commands are entered in action boxes.
First youll make a stand action box, and then a walk and bow
action box.
Making a “stand” action box
1 Click the Action box button .
2 Click between the START and END terminal
boxes in the window.
The Action box appears where you clicked.
The Action Properties dialog box is what you use to define
3 Type a name and comment for the action box.
To make AIBO walk, it must first
be in a standing position. For this
reason, youll make a stand
action box.
The name that you specified in the
Name box will be displayed in the
action box. (If you enter a name
over 7 letters, it will be shortened)
It is best to add a comment if the
contents are not clearly
understood by the name of the
action box.
Comment: Make AIBO stand up.Name: Stand