Tutorial Guide

Lesson 5 Intermediate Course
3 Open Sample.alb in the folder with the same
model name and behavior.
4 Insert the Memory Stick into the drive, and
select File-Save Library to Memory Stick.
The Action library is saved to the Memory Stick.
5 Quit Action Composer.
6 Start up Behavior Arranger and open the
behavior file (Lesson4.be) that you created in
Lesson 4.
The action library is stored in the
Sample\model name folder (see
page 12).
The model name and language for
the behavior and the action library
must be the same.
When you save an action library to
the Memory Stick, a copy is
saved to a certain directory in the
hard disk to allow Behavior
Arranger to reference it.
Behavior Arranger can reference
only a single library, and only one
library can be saved to the
Memory Stick.
If another action library is
already saved on the Memory
Stick, the previous library will be
If you are starting from this lesson,
make a copy of the following file
for editing: Tutorial4.be file in
the Sample\model name folder
(see page 12).
Behavior Arranger refers to the
action library saved last. If you are
using several Memory Sticks,
make sure the action library in the
Memory Stick you are using
matches the one on the hard disk.