Tutorial Guide

Lesson 5 Intermediate Course
3 Branching to two terminal boxes, depending on the voice
In this lesson, youll make an AIBO terminal box and a Hello terminal
box. The program jumps to the AIBO terminal box when AIBO hears
AIBO, and to the Hello terminal box when AIBO hears Hello.
When AIBO hears another word, the program loops to the top of the
group box.
1 Double-click the RETURN box.
The Terminal Properties box appears.
2 Change the name to AIBO and close the
Properties box.
The terminal box becomes the AIBO terminal box.
3 Click the Terminal box button and place
the box next to the AIBO box.
4 Type Hello in the Name box and close the
Properties box.
The Hello terminal box is created.
5 Place a new branch box below the VOICE_ID?
The program that you make will
do the following:
Check for voice recognition every
1 second
Recognizes AIBO t jump to
the AIBO box
Recognizes Hello t jump to
the Hello box
Recognizes another word t
loop (jump to the INIT box)
In this box, youll enter the
command, if AIBO recognize
AIBO, the program jumps to the
AIBO terminal box.