Tutorial Guide

Lesson 5 Intermediate Course
6 Enter the name and command, and then close
the Properties box.
Name: AIBO?
Type Variable Op Var/Value JumpTo
IF AU_Voice_ID = 1 AIBO
ELSE null
7 Place a new branch box next to the AIBO? box.
8 Enter the name and command, and then close
the Properties box.
Name: Hello?
Type Variable Op Var/Value JumpTo
IF AU_Voice_ID = 6 Hello
Recognizes AIBO t jump to
AIBO terminal box
AU_Voice_ID=1 means word
detected by voice recognition=1
(AIBO) (recognizes the word as
Another word t jump to the
undefined box
In this box, youll enter the
command, if AIBO recognize
Hello, the program jumps to the
Hello terminal box.
AU_Voice_ID=6 means word
detected by voice recognition =6
(Hello) (recognizes the word as
To loop the program when it
recognizes a word other than
AIBO or Hello, enter the
command, Another word t
jump to INIT box.