Tutorial Guide

Lesson 5 Intermediate Course
3 Reconnect the boxes and reorganize the lines.
Disconnect the Hello? and INIT boxes.
Then connect the right output terminal of Hello? to
UN_RECOG..., and UN_RECOG... to INIT.
4 Close the group window.
The Check Sensor group has been completed.
Embedding the group and completing
the program
Return to the initial editing window to complete the program, then
embed the group program that you created into the main program.
1 Click the Group box button and place it
between the STAND and WALK_BOW boxes.
The Group Properties box appears.
ELSE t jump to INIT box
Unrecognizable word t execute
angry01 t jump to INIT box
A group is not erased even after
you have closed the window.
The group you just created is not
displayed in the editing window.
Youll embed the Check_Sensor
group into the program by using a
group box in the next section.
What you created in the beginning
is also a kind of group, called the
Main group. Youll embed the
group you created into the Main
group to complete the following
AIBO t bows
Hello t greets you by raising
its right front hand
Neither of the above words t
AIBO cannot recognize word, and
thus assumes an angry pose
Checks for word input every