Tutorial Guide

Lesson 5 Intermediate Course
2 Enter the name of the group box, select the
name for the group that the box invokes, and
then close the Properties box.
Type VOICE_RECOG in the Name box and select
Check_Sensor (the name of the group you created) from the
list in the Group box.
The group box appears.
The group box name and group
name are different. The group
box name is the name displayed
on the box, and the group name is
the name of the group that the
group box invokes.
The group box has two terminals
since it invokes a group that has
two terminals.
One is the output terminal of the
AIBO terminal box, and the other
the output terminal of the Hello
terminal box.
Confirm that the names of the
terminals are AIBO and Hello
by positioning the mouse on the
Group box name
Name of group invoked
by this box