Tutorial Guide

This Tutorial Guide is divided into the following two parts.
Lets Create Behaviors!
This part teaches you how to create programs with Quick Behavior
Arranger and Behavior Arranger.
x Beginners Course
In Lesson 1 and 2, you will use Quick Behavior Arranger to
create a program through the use of wizards.
In Lesson 3, youll learn the basic operations of Behavior Arranger.
Lesson 1 Touch AIBOs Sensor to Make AIBO Stand, Sit and Lie Down
Using Quick Behavior Arranger, youll create a program in just a few
simple steps that will make AIBO perform a series of specific actions!
Lesson 2 Press AIBOs Head and It Sits; Say Start and It Walks
Using Quick Behavior Arranger, youll create a program that will
make AIBO perform different actions when you touch its sensors or
say something to it. Since youll be using wizards, it will be easy!
Lesson 3 Walking and Bowing
In this lesson, youll learn how to use Behavior Arranger to create a
basic program and how to execute the program via a wireless LAN.
x Intermediate Course
This course is for users who understand basic Behavior Arranger
operations. By creating programs that make use of voice recognition or
unique actions, youll learn how to set branch conditions, create
groups, and use parameters.
Lesson 4 Make AIBO Bow when You Press Its Head
In this lesson, youll edit the program that you made in Lesson 3 to
create a program using branch boxes and sensor information. You will
also learn how to loop the program so that it executes repeatedly.
Lesson 5 Make AIBO Bow and Greet Your Guests when You Call Out
to It
In this lesson, youll learn how to create groups, use AIBOs voice
recognition function, and embed actions made with Action Composer.
This sounds a little complicated, but youll learn how to do all of this
step by step!
Organization of the Tutorial Guide