User's Guide

Chapter 6 Reference
WAVE Window
Name and function of window
7 Time/frame channel
A channel for changing the current position.
When you click on the channel, the current
bar moves to the clicked point.
8 Marker channel
Markers added in each Window and (light
blue) marks indicating key frame position
are displayed together in this channel. When
you click on the channel while pressing the
Alt key, a sound marker appears. To delete a
marker, click on the marker while pressing
the Alt key.
9 WAVE channel
Displays the waveform of the sound.
0 Time interval change box
Changes the time interval displayed for a
channel. Choose from among eight levels in
the time/frame display interval for the
time/frame channel: 4 frames/8 frames/20
/2 sec/1 sec/2 sec/4 sec/10 sec.
qa Sec/frame box
Switches the display unit.
qs Playback button
Plays back the sound.
1 Current time/frame display
Indicates the current position in seconds
(unit: 1/100 s) or frames (1 frame = 0.016 s).
2 Total time/frames display
Shows the total time (unit: 1/100 s) or
frames of the sound.
3 Current bar
Indicates the current position. The tab shows
the time (unit: 1/100 s) or number of frames.
When you click on the time/frame channel,
the current bar moves and the clicked point
becomes the current position.
4 Action marker (blue)
A mark you make in the Action Window as
an aid to synchronizing elements.
5 Sound marker (purple)
A mark you make in the MIDI or WAVE
Window as an aid to synchronizing
6 LED marker (green)
A mark you make in the LED Window as an
aid to synchronizing elements.
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