User's Guide

Chapter 5 Action Composer
Adjusting the positions of key frames
Adjust the position of a key frame to change a
movements timing. All key frames except for
the key frame of the start pose can be adjusted.
1 Right-click on a key frame.
The context menu appears.
2 Choose Set Interpolation Frame.
The dialog box appears.
3 Enter the number of subframes
from the preceding key frame
and click OK.
The key frame moves to the new position.
1 frame is equivalent to 0.016 second.
To make slight adjustments to the key
frame position
Click the motion channel to select a subframe
and press the Delete or Insert key on the
keyboard. By adding or inserting subframes,
you can adjust the position of the key frame.
Editing Poses
Changing start and end poses
In the Key frame channel, choose the poses you
want from the start and end combo box. Start
and end poses cannot be modified.
Start and end poses are assigned set poses such as
stand, sit or sleep. If you use more than one motion in
Behavior Arranger and the second motion starts with
a pose that is different from the end pose of the first
motion, the set poses make it possible for AIBOs
built-in program to make a smooth transition from
one motion to the next.