User's Guide

Chapter 5 Action Composer
x Changing sound data
1 Click .
It switches to select mode.
2 Select the sound data you want
from the score channel and
make changes.
Click the sound data you want to change.
You can drag on the score channel to
select several notes at once. To select all
sound data on the score channel, choose
Edit-Select All from the menu.
Selected sound data is indicated by being
surrounded by a black line.
To make changes to a sound data
The mouse pointer changes shape depending
on the spot and indicates the available editing
Change the timing
Change the scale
To delete sound data
Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
3 Change the velocity as required.
x Changing the velocity
You can change the velocity (impact) of a sound
by changing the length of the vertical line in the
velocity channel. Velocity for several sounds
can be changed together.
You can gradually increase or reduce the
volume easily by changing the velocity.
Drag over the velocity line
For a weaker impact For a stronger impact
New setting New setting
Velocity is set to the point where the line made
by the mouse crosses with the vertical line.
x Editing the overall sound data
1 Select the sound data you want
to edit.
Click and choose the sound data that
you want to change. You can drag on the
score channel to select several notes at
once. To select all sound data on the score
channel, choose Edit-Select All from the
Selected sound data is indicated by being
surrounded by a black line.
Mouse pointer