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AVC HD 9 M (HQ), 16:9
LP: Approx. 5 Mbps (average) 1,440 x 1,080 pixels/60i(*) or 1,440 x 1,080 pixels/50i(**),
AVC HD 5 M (LP), 16:9
Approx. 3 Mbps (average) 1,280 x 720 pixels/30p(*), 1,280 x 720 pixels/24p(*) or 1,280 x
720 pixels/25p(**), 16:9
1080 60i-compatible device
1080 50i-compatible device
[181] How to Use Charging time/recording time of movies/number of recordable
photos Pixels recorded at each image size of photos
Recording pixels and aspect ratio
The photo recording pixels and the aspect ratio.
Photo recording mode, Dual capture:
4,032 × 2,272 dots/16:9
3,024 × 2,272 dots/4:3
1,920 × 1,080 dots/16:9
640 × 480 dots/4:3
Capturing a photo from a movie:
1,920 × 1,080 dots/16:9
[182] How to Use Additional information Precautions
About the AVCHD format
What is the AVCHD format?
The AVCHD format is a high definition digital video camera format used to record a high
definition (HD) signal using efficient data compression coding technology. The MPEG-4
AVC/H.264 format is adopted to compress video data, and the Dolby Digital or Linear PCM
system is used to compress audio data.
The MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 format is capable of compressing images at higher efficiency than
that of the conventional image compressing format.