User's Manual

2 Push the WHT/BLK switch to the BLK position and release
the switch.
The messageABB: EXECUTING” appears during execution,
and changes toABB: OK” when the adjustment finishes.
Adjustment values are saved in memory automatically.
During the black balance adjustment, the iris is automatically shielded.
During the black balance adjustment, the gain selection circuit is
automatically activated so you may see flicker in the viewfinder, but this
is not a fault.
If automatic black balance adjustment cannot be
If the black balance adjustment cannot be completed normally, an
error message will appear for about three seconds in the viewfinder.
If an error message is displayed, retry the black balance adjustment.
If the error message occurs again, consult your Sony dealer or a
Sony service representative.
If the lens cable is not firmly connected to the LENS connector, it may not
be possible to adjust the lens iris. If this happens, the black balance will be
Adjusting the white balance
1 Set the switches as shown below.
GAIN switch: L (set to a gain value that is as small as
WHITE BAL switch: A or B
2 Set the FILTER knob to suit the lighting conditions.
3 Place a white test card under the same lighting conditions
as for the subject to be shot and zoom up to it.
Alternatively, any white object such as a cloth or a wall can be
The minimum required white area is as follows.
Make sure there are no bright spots in the rectangle.
4 Adjust the lens iris.
Manually adjustable lens: Set the iris to an appropriate
Lens with automatic iris: Set the iris automatic/manual
switch on the lens to automatic.
5 Push the WHT/BLK switch to the WHT position and
release the switch.
The message “AWB: EXECUTING” appears during execution,
and changes to “AWB: OK” when the adjustment finishes.
The adjustment values are saved automatically in the memory
selected in step 1 (A or B).
If the camera has a zoom lens with an automatic iris, the iris may hunt
during the adjustment. To prevent this, adjust the iris gain knob (labeled
IG, IS, or S) on the lens.
1) Hunting: Repeated brightening and darkening of the image, resulting
from repeated response to automatic iris control.
For details, refer to the operation manual supplied with the
If the automatic white balance adjustment cannot
be made
If the white balance adjustment cannot be completed normally, an
error message will appear for about three seconds in the viewfinder.
If an error message is displayed, retry the white balance adjustment.
If the error message occurs again, consult your Sony dealer or a
Sony service representative.
If you have no time to adjust the white balance
Set the WHITE BAL switch to PRST.
The white balance can be set to 5600K automatically by pressing the
COLOR TEMP. button.
You can set the color temperature to 3200K, 4300K, 5600K, or
6300K by assigning the electrical CC filter function to the COLOR
TEMP. button.
To switch the electrical CC filter
You can assign the electrical CC filter switching function to the
ASSIGN 1/2/3 buttons or the COLOR TEMP. button. This allows
you to switch between color temperatures (3200K/4300K/5600K/
6300K) configured for the four positions (A to D) selected with each
press of the button.
1 Select the <WHITE FILTER> page in the
2 Select the position to which to assign a CC filter
3 Set the color temperature (3200K, 4300K, 5600K, or
To set no color temperature
You can disable ELECTRICAL CC <C> and <D> by setting
the value to “-----.
Rectangle centered on the screen.
The lengths of the sides are 70% of the length and width
of the screen.
The white object must be within the rectangle and have an area
of at least 10% of the screen.
WHT/BLK switch