Operating Instructions

You can combine two recorded LPCM (.wav) or
DSD (.dsf) files into one. Select two files that
are identical in file format (including sampling
frequency, bit rate, and number of channels),
saved in the same folder.
From the HOME menu (page 24),
select the first recorded LPCM or DSD
file that you would like to combine.
In play or playback stop mode, press
the OPTION button to display the
OPTION menu, select “Combine, then
press the
This displays the list of files from which you
can select a file to combine after the file
selected in step 1.
Press and to select the file that
you would like to combine, and press
If selecting a DSD file, proceed to the step
If selecting select a WAV file, proceed to
the step 5.
Press and to select “Cross Fade
Combine” or “Direct Combine, and
press the
Direct Combine: Only select this option
to combine two files that are originally
from a continuous recording but were
automatically divided due to file size
Cross Fade Combine: Select this option
to combine to separate files that have
intermittent sounds, or to combine at a
dividing point.
When “Execute?” is displayed, press
and to select “Yes,” and press
The two files are combined into one and
saved as a new file. The new combined file
will be named as the file name of the first
file suffixed with a sequential number (e.g.
To cancel combining
Press the HOME/BACK button while “Please
wait” appears on the display. “Interrupt
process?” is displayed. “Interrupt process?” is
displayed. Press
and to select “Yes,
and press the
You cannot combine files if the total number of
recorded files reaches the maximum number of
recordable files.
You cannot combine files if the total file size
exceeds the maximum file size for an LPCM/DSD
file (2GB).
You cannot combine MP3 files.
You can combine protected files.
When you combine DSD files, noise may occur at
the combined point.
Combining files