User Manual

Erasing a file
You can select a file and erase it.
Select a file that you want to erase
from the HOME menu (page 27).
In play or playback stop mode, press
the OPTION button to display the
OPTION menu, select “Erase”
a File, and then press the
“Erase?” appears and the specified file is
played for confirmation.
Press and to select “Yes, and
press the
The file is erased.
To cancel erasing
In step 3, select “No,” and press the button.
Erasing all of the files in a folder
or on a particular date
You can erase all of the files in a folder by
selecting “By Folder” in the file selection or on
particular date by selecting “Display by Date”
in the file selection.
Display the file list of the folder or the
date that contains the files you would
like to erase.
For procedures, see steps 1 through 3 of
“Selecting a file from the folder list” (page
27) or steps 1 through 6 of “Selecting a
file by date from the calendar” (page 28).
Press the OPTION button to display
the OPTION menu, select “Erase All
Files” or “Erase All on This Date,” and
then press the
When “Erase all files in this folder?”
or “Erase all files on this date?” is
displayed, press
and to select
“Yes, and press the
The files in the folder or on the specified
date are erased.
Once a file has been erased, you cannot retrieve it.
You cannot erase a protected file. To erase the file,
release the protection first.
When a file is erased, the remaining files will move
forward so that there is no space between files.
To erase part of a file, divide the file into two files
first, select the file you want to erase, then proceed
to steps 2 and 3.
Erasing files