Operating Instructions

2 Adjust the balance of the roll axis.
Loosen the lever and slide the roll frame left and right to adjust the balance.
After adjusting the balance, firmly tighten the lever.
Rotate the roll frame by about ±45° to check if the balance is adjusted properly. If
properly adjusted, the roll frame will stay still or slowly return to the horizontal position.
Roll frame
3 Adjust the balance of the pan axis.
Loosen the lever and slide the pan frame back and forth to adjust the balance.
After adjusting the balance, firmly tighten the lever.
With the gimbal stationary, tilt the aircraft forward, backward, left, and right to check if
the balance is adjusted properly. If properly adjusted, the pan frame will stay still.
Pan frame
Do not adjust the gimbal balance with the aircraft upside down. Doing so may deteriorate or damage the
damping rubber of the damping plate.