User guide

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Features .................................................................. 4
How to Use This User’s Guide .............................. 5
System Requirements ............................................ 5
Assigning the IP Address to the Camera ............ 6
Assigning an IP address using the IP Setup
Program ............................................................ 6
When using Windows XP Service Pack 2 .......... 8
When using Windows Vista ............................. 10
Accessing the Camera Using the Web Browser 13
Basic Configuration by the Administrator ....... 15
Operating the Camera
Administrator and User ...................................... 16
Logging in to Homepage — Welcome Page ...... 17
Logging in as a user ......................................... 17
Displaying the Administrator menu directly .... 18
About viewers .................................................. 18
Configuration of Main Viewer ........................... 19
Main menu ....................................................... 19
Camera control section ..................................... 19
Monitor image section ..................................... 20
Controlling the Monitor Image .......................... 21
Monitoring the camera image .......................... 21
Zooming in the monitor image ......................... 22
Capturing a Monitor Image ............................... 22
Capturing a monitor image .............................. 22
Saving the captured image ............................... 23
Operating the Camera Using SolidPTZ (SNC-
DM110 / DM160 / CM120 only) ......................... 23
Controlling via the control panel ..................... 23
Panning and tilting by clicking the monitor
image .............................................................. 24
Panning, tilting and zooming by specifying the
area ................................................................. 24
Zooming an image by the camera zoom bar .... 24
Displaying the preset area of the image ........... 24
Controlling the Camera on a Full Image (SNC-
DM110 / DM160 / CM120 only) ......................... 25
Displaying a specified point in the monitor
window ........................................................... 25
Using the Trigger Button ................................... 26
Sending a monitor image via e-mail ................ 26
Sending a monitor image to an FTP server ......26
Recording a camera image as a still image .......26
Controlling alarm output 1, 2 ...........................26
Controlling Day/Night function (SNC-DM160 /
DS60 / CM120 / CS20 only) ..........................26
Playing the audio file stored in the camera .......27
Administrating the Camera
Basic Operations of Administrator Menu .........28
How to setup the Administrator menu ..............28
Configuration of Administrator menu ..............29
Configuring the System — System Menu ..........30
System Tab ........................................................30
Date & time Tab ................................................32
Installation Tab .................................................33
Initialize Tab .....................................................34
System log Tab .................................................35
Access log Tab ..................................................35
Setting the Camera Image and Audio — Camera
Menu .....................................................................35
Common Tab ....................................................35
Picture Tab ........................................................36
Sense up Tab (SNC-DM110 / DM160 / DS60 /
CM120 / CS20 only) ......................................38
Video codec Tab ...............................................40
Streaming Tab ...................................................44
Configuring the Network — Network Menu .....46
Network Tab .....................................................46
Dynamic IP address notification Tab — Notifying
the IP Address .................................................47
Using the 802.1X Authentication Function —
802.1X Menu .........................................................49
System configuration of 802.1X network ........49
Common Tab – Basic setting of 802.1X
authentication function ...................................49
Client certificate Tab .........................................50
CA certificate Tab .............................................51
Setting the 802.1X authentication function –
Example of Windows Server 2003 .................51
Setting the User — User Menu ...........................54
Setting the Security — Security Menu ...............55
Saving the SolidPTZ Display Area and Action
— Preset position Menu (SNC-DM110 / DM160 /
CM120 only) .........................................................56
Position Tab — Saving pan/tilt/zoom position .56
Tour Tab — Setting a tour ................................57
Sending an Image via E-mail — e-Mail (SMTP)
Menu .....................................................................59
Common Tab — Setting the e-Mail (SMTP)
Function ..........................................................59
Alarm sending Tab — Setting the e-mail sending
mode when detecting the alarm ......................60