User guide

Table of Contents
Periodical sending Tab — Setting the periodical e-
mail sending mode ......................................... 61
Sending Images to FTP Server — FTP client
Menu ..................................................................... 62
Common Tab — Setting the FTP client
function .......................................................... 62
Alarm sending Tab — Setting the FTP client
action when detecting the alarm ..................... 63
Periodical sending Tab — Setting the periodical
FTP client activity .......................................... 64
Recording Images in Memory — Image memory
Menu ..................................................................... 65
Common Tab — Setting the image memory
function .......................................................... 65
Alarm recording Tab — Setting the Image
memory function when detecting the alarm ... 66
Periodical recording Tab — Setting the periodical
recording mode ............................................... 67
Folder structure of image memory ................... 67
Downloading Images from the Camera — FTP
server Menu ......................................................... 68
Setting the Alarm Output— Alarm output
Menu ..................................................................... 69
Alarm out 1, 2 Tab ............................................ 69
Outputting Audio Linked to Alarm Detection
— Voice alert Menu ............................................. 70
Voice alert 1, 2, 3 Tab ....................................... 70
Setting the Operations from the Viewer — Trigger
Menu ..................................................................... 71
Setting the Schedule — Schedule Menu ............ 73
Setting the Alarm Buffer — Alarm buffer
Menu ..................................................................... 74
Setting the Motion Detection Function — Motion
detection Menu .................................................... 75
Setting Tab ........................................................ 75
Using the Supplied IP Setup Program ............... 78
Starting the IP Setup Program .......................... 78
Bandwidth control Tab ..................................... 78
Date time Tab ................................................... 79
Rebooting the Camera ...................................... 79
Using the SNC audio upload tool — Transmitting
Audio to Camera .................................................. 80
Installing the SNC audio upload tool ............... 80
Connecting the Camera to the Computer ......... 80
Using the SNC audio upload tool ..................... 80
Using the SNC video player — Playing Video/
Audio File Recorded with Camera ..................... 85
Installing the SNC video player ....................... 85
Using the SNC video player ............................. 86
Using the SNC privacy masking tool
Masking a Camera Image ...................................87
Installing the SNC privacy masking tool ..........87
Using the SNC privacy masking tool ................87
Setting a privacy mask ......................................88
Using the Custom Homepage Installer ..............89
Uploading the homepage to the camera using the
Custom Homepage Installer ...........................89
Assigning the IP Address to the Camera Using
ARP Commands ...................................................91
Using the SNMP ...................................................92
1. Inquiry Commands ......................................92
2. Setting Commands .......................................92
Specifications ........................................................93
Glossary ................................................................94
Index ......................................................................97