User Manual

Table Of Contents
Negative markers: ventricular events
Vr marker
Small marker
Ventricular sensing during a relative refractory period
Vs marker
Intermediate marker
Ventricular sensing outside the refractory periods
Vp marker
Large marker
Ventricular pacing (including pacing initiated in the SST mode)
Vn marker
Large marker
Ventricular pacing inside absolute refractory periods
The pacemaker starts transmitting markers when commanded by the programmer (see
programmer manual). Transmission is ended when the programmer head is removed, a
magnet is applied, or any key of the programmer is pressed.
Intracardiac ECG
The pacemaker provides noninvasive atrial and ventricular intracardiac ECGs, as well as,
atrial + ventricular intracardiac ECGs, which are essential to evaluate the pacing system.
The intracardiac ECG can be used to select pacing and sensing polarities, to reveal possible
myopotentials that are not visible on the surface ECG or to measure the retrograde
conduction time. The pacemaker stops transmitting intracardiac ECGs when the programmer
head is removed, a magnet is applied, or any key of the programmer is pressed.
The programmed sensed polarity determines the intracardiac ECG polarity displayed on the
programmer screen.
Temporary programming parameters:
Basic rate
Maximum rate
Sensing and pacing polarities
Atrial and/or ventricular sensitivity
Atrial and/or ventricular amplitude and pulse width
Rest and exercise AV delays for DR model only
AVD Paced/Sensed Offset for DR model only
Temporary parameters can be batch programmed. When temporary programming is used,
rate hysteresis is fixed to 0 % and rate response and smoothing are permanently disabled.
Memory functions are useful for assessing the performance of the pacemaker during the
patient’s daily life. They can be used in conjunction with the statistics function. The large
memory capacity of the pacemaker allows the beat-to-beat monitoring of many events for a
long period of time. Types of events and periods of time are listed in the descriptions that
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