User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Stored Tachyarrythmia Episodes:
PLATINIUM SonR CRT-D stores up to 16 episodes (VF, VT, Slow VT, SVT/ST, non-
sustained) with a total of 25.6 min of high resolution EGM and 5 min of SonR signal.
For each episode four levels of details are presented:
Tachogram (to visualize PP and PR intervals)
Event log for the entire episode:
PARAD/PARAD+ analysis for each majority,
Delivered therapies,
Markers: Atrial, ventricular and biventricular markers, sensed, paced and in relative
refractory periods,
EGM: onset and detection of the arrhythmia, on two therapies, and the return to slow
rhythm by recording electrogram.
Therapy history
For each arrhythmia detection, each therapy delivered (either automatically or during an
electrophysiological study) and at the end of each arrhythmia, PLATINIUM SonR CRT-D
records the type of majority rhythm, the number of ATP sequences delivered, the energy and
the number of shocks delivered.
Recommended Replacement Time (RRT)
is controlled by: battery voltage equal to 2.62 V
± 0.01 V
Between the RRT and the EOS (End of Service)
, PLATINIUM SonR CRT-D can still
function for:
10.8 months (100% atrial and biventricular pacing in DDD mode, 500 ohms, with as-
shipped settings), and deliver 11 shocks at 34 J or
10,4 months (0% pacing, sensors OFF, one shock every 2 weeks) and deliver 21 shocks
at 34 J.
Once the Recommended Replacement Time (RRT) point has been reached, the device
operates normally, except that the charge time increases. Under normal conditions (and
without programmer use) the charge times are as follows:
Shock energy Charge time (sec)
42 J 10 (± 2)
RRT 42 J 13 (± 3)
(1) Recommended Replacement Time (RRT) corresponds to Elective Replacement
Indicators (ERI) previously used.
(2) End of Service (EOS) corresponds to End of Life (EOL) previously used.
(3) Beginning of Service (BOS) corresponds to Beginning of Life (BOL) previously used.
The defibrillator should be explanted in the following cases:
CAUTION: The defibrillator should be replaced as soon as the Recommended Replacement
Time (RRT) point is reached.