User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Rescue shock
Follow-up tests:
Pacing lead impedance,
Coil impedance,
Capacitor charge time,
Pacing threshold tests.
Data storage:
Therapy History Report,
Statistics (pace/sense, therapy, shocks, and battery voltage),
Up to 16 complete Holter records with event logs, marker channel notation, and
electrogram records.
The PLATINIUM DR 1510 connector has four ports:
atrial bipolar pace/sense,
ventricular bipolar pace/sense and
wo ports for RV and SVC defibrillation coils.
The PLATINIUM DR 1540 connector head has two ports:
atrial bipolar pace/sense,
one ventricular bipolar pace/sense and RV & SVC defibrillation coils.
For PLATINIUM DR 1510, both pace/sense ports are compatible with the IS-1 standard and
both defibrillation ports are compatible with the DF-1 standard.
For PLATINIUM DR 1540, pace/sense port is compatible with the IS-1 standard and
defibrillation ports is compatible with the DF4 standard.
Distal lead terminal connections are secured with set-screws accessed via self-sealing
silicone plugs. All lead connections pass through the header into the device via
Programming System:
The Sorin programmer is used in conjunction with specific programmer software to
interrogate and program the implanted device at implant and during patient follow-up
Remote Monitoring:
PLATINIUM DR is also equipped with the RF wireless technology which enables to remotely
monitor the patients who have the Sorin SMARTVIEW Monitor installed at home.