User's Manual

Transmission trigger
There are 3 different triggers for a remote transmission:
the remote follow-up transmission is scheduled by the physician
to occur regularly (according to the programming).
the alert transmission will take place when the implant has
recorded an abnormal event. The list of abnormal event is
available in a following paragraph. Alert conditions are checked
the on-demand follow-up transmission is triggered by the patient
himself through the use of a specific button on the
Data transmitted
The data transmitted are identical to the data available during a
standard interrogation with the Orchestra Plus programmer.
All counters, histograms, IEGMs and diagnosis available in the
device are transmitted containing (not exhaustive list):
programmed parameters
Information on patient and system implanted
battery status
lead status (brady leads and defibrillation coils)
pacing counters and mean heart rate (brady)
atrial and ventricular arrhythmia counters and episodes
ventricular therapy counters
heart failure monitoring
Data are presented in the form of 2 reports to the physician: the first
one contains a summary of major counters, histograms, warnings
and diagnosis. The second one presents the 3 most important IEGM
episodes automatically selected based on the degree of severity for
the patient.