User's Manual

4. Plug the power supply block into the mains.
You should observe the following:
The status light turns steady amber for around
45 seconds and then turns green as shown
Constant green
Your Smart Spot is now ready to operate.
5. Place the telemetry head on your chest over
your implanted device. (You can place the
telemetry head over your clothes).
When the telemetry head detects your device,
the PIT button blinks green (status LED is
already ON, constant green and progression
lights OFF) as shown below:
Constant green
Blinking green
Keep the telemetry head in this position.
6. Press the PIT button until you feel a click. You
will see the PIT button turn constant green, and
the progression lights light up one after the
other from left to right, as shown below:
Constant green
Green one LED at a time
Constant green
Keep the telemetry head in this position until the
progression bar turns OFF.
Should the PIT button blink red, and the
progression bar turn OFF, your telemetry head
is not properly placed over your cardiac device.
Reposition the telemetry head over your
implanted device as indicated in step 5.
Constant green
Blinking red
7. When the progression bar is OFF (status led
and PIT button are ON), remove the telemetry
head from your chest.
Constant green
Constant green
Your Smart Spot is currently transferring your
data to your doctor. DO NOT TOUCH THE
Smart Spot.
8. The transmission is successful once the PIT
button turns OFF.
Constant green
You can now unplug your Smart Spot.
If the PIT button turns a constant RED,
please refer to chapter 6.2.
To operate properly, your Smart Spot should
be connected to the mains power outlet
during the whole process.
If the PIT button is a constant red, this means that
the transmission could not occur. The reasons are
shown on your Smart Spot with the PIT button and
the progression bar.
Please refer to the diagrammes below and follow
the recommended actions. Should the behaviour
continue, please call our technical assistance.
Constant RED
Meaning: Smart Spot detected an internal issue
(self test).
Action: Unplug the Smart Spot and plug it back in
again, then proceed to transmission.
1 Constant Green
Constant RED
Meaning: The Smart Spot cannot interrogate the
Action: Unplug the Smart Spot and plug it back in
Smart Spot – UA10275A 5