Instruction Manual

552 User Guide and Technical Information
9) Set Input Faders in use to unity gain (0 dB or 12 o’clock).
Faders not used should be set to off (full counter-clockwise position).
10) Set Input Trim Levels.
Push to release the recessed Trim (gain) Control. Turn the Trim Control clockwise to
raise the level of the input. Once the gain has been set, push the Trim Control again
to recess the control and remove it from the mixing surface. Use the Input Fader to
make fine level adjustments.
11) Route each input to either Left or Right Outputs using the Input Pan Control.
Push to release the recessed Pan Control. Turn counter-clockwise to send the input
to the Left Output and turn clockwise to send it to the Right Output. Once the pan
has been set, push the Pan Control again to recess the control and remove it from
the mixing surface.
12) Set High-Pass Filters and Limiters.
Set the High-Pass Filter using the control adjacent to the Trim Control (full counter-
clockwise position is off). Activate the Limiters using the switch adjacent to the
Master Output Gain Control (Lim (dual Mono) Link (Stereo) applies to all inputs
and outputs).