Owner's manual

Setting Low Voltage Warning Voltage High Voltage
12V Ext DC 9 10 11
NiMH 11 11.5 13
Expanded NiMH 11 11.5 18
12V Lead Acid 10 11.4 14
14V Li-ion 12.5 13.5 16.3
Full Range 6 11.5 18
When the voltage of the external power supply drops below the Low Voltage Threshold, the 664 will
react differently depending on the state of the internal recorder:
• During recording or playback, the 664 will automatically switch to internal baeries, if available.
• If the internal recorder is idle (Not playing back or recording), the 664 will power down.
During media operations (read or write) the 664 will utilize the main (external) power source if available.
This will be reflected on the DC Voltage Indicator.
Power Consumption
The 664 varies in the amount of current it draws. Several features of the 664 directly affect current
draw in different ways. The following list highlights the larger current drawing functions.
1. Microphone powering - the main source of extra 664 current draw. See Phantom Power. 48
V Phantom can draw copious amounts of current depending on what model microphone
is used. Two identical phantom powered microphones draw twice as much current as one.
Microphones vary widely in their current draw depending on type and phantom voltage ap-
2. Audio Recorder - the recorder, whether in record or playback, increases power consumption.
3. Digital Outputs - disable digital outputs in the Setup Menu when they are not needed since
they draw additional current.
4. Output drive level - higher output drive levels into multiple, low-impedance inputs increases
power consumption.
5. Headphone output circuit - high headphone output levels increase current draw.
6. LED and LCD Brightness - decrease LED and LCD brightness to extend baery runtime.
664 User Guide and Technical Information
v. 2.02 Features and specifications are subject to change. Visit www.sounddevices.com for the latest documentation.