Owner's manual

Panel Descriptions
Front Panel
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1) Input Fader
Primary control for adjusting the level of
an input during operation. Ranges from
off to +15 dB. Nominal setting is in the
middle (0 dB).
2) Gain (Trim)
Coarse input gain control. Sets the initial
input sensitivity level so that the Input
Fader can be used for fine gain adjust-
ments. Range is from +22 dB to +72 dB.
See Input Setup and Control.
3) Highpass Filter Control
Adjusts corner (-3 dB) frequency of high-
pass filter. Full counter-clockwise posi-
tion (detented) deactivates the High-Pass
Filter. Range is 80-240 Hz, 12 dB/oct to 6
dB/oct. See Input Setup and Control.
4) PFL / Input Select Switch
Slide left: Pre-Fade Listen. Sends the in-
put’s pre-fade signal to HP monitor mono
mix. The 664 supports simultaneous PFL
of multiple inputs. Does not affect Master
Output signal. Slide the switch left to acti-
vate, and again to deactivate. For momen-
tary action, hold the switch left for one
second or longer. The Input LED flashes
yellow when an input’s PFL is active.
Slide right: Input Settings. Enters the
Input Settings Screen where basic input
setup and input-to-output bus routing is
performed. See Input Setup and Control.
5) Input LED
Indicates input signal activity. Illuminates
in various colors and intensities to show
signal level and activity. Green = signal
presence (pre-fader), yellow = limiter
activity (pre- and post-fade), red = signal
overload/clipping (pre- and post-fade),
flashing yellow = input PFL.
6) Input Pan
Controls the Left/Right balance of the
input signal to the Stereo Master Bus.
7) Transport Control
Controls the Integrated Digital Recorder.
Slide up to Record, press in to Pause/
Stop, slide down to Play, slide left to
Rewind, slide right to Fast Forward. See
Digital Audio Recorder.
8) Meters Button
Displays the Main Screen which includes
metering, filename, time code and other
important information. Cycles between
available Meter Views when pressed from
Main Screen (see Meter Views). Returns to
Main Screen from any other Screen.
9) LCD
Displays contextual operating informa-
tion and user interface.
664 User Guide and Technical Information
Panel Descriptions