users manual

833 User Guide
Channel EQ
1. EQ Selects channel EQ state. [Off*, On].
2. LOW FREQ Selects low frequency EQ lter parameters.
a. Type- Indicates Shelf or Peaking lter [Shelf, Peak].
b. Freq- Indicates frequency of the lter, continuously-variable from
20 Hz to 20 kHz (100 Hz*).
c. Gain- Indicates gain of the lter, continuously-variable from -15 dB
to +15 dB in 1 dB increments (0 dB*).
d. Q- Indicates “Q” or bandwidth of the lter, continuously-variable
from .5 - 10 in .1 increments (1.0*).
e. Bypass- Indicates state of the lter [Bypass (orange ll)]*.
3. MID FREQ Selects mid frequency EQ lter parameters.
a. Freq- Indicates frequency of the lter, continuously-variable from
200-20 kHz in 10 Hz increments (5000 Hz*).
b. Gain- Indicates gain of the lter, continuously-variable from -15 dB
to +15 dB in 1 dB increments (0 dB*).
c. Q- Indicates “Q” or bandwidth of the lter, continuously-variable
from .5-10 in .1 increments (1.0*).
d. Bypass- Indicates state of the lter [Bypass(orange ll)]*.
4. HI FREQ Selects high frequency EQ lter parameters.
a. Type- Indicates Shelf or Peaking lter [Peak, Shelf].
b. Freq- Indicates frequency of the lter, continuously-variable from
20 Hz to 20 kHz. (100 Hz*).
c. Gain- Indicates gain of the lter, continuously-variable from -15 dB
to +15 dB in 1 dB increments (0 dB*).
d. Q- Indicates “Q” or bandwidth of the lter, continuously-variable
from .5 - 10 in .1 increments (1.0*).
e. Bypass- Indicates state of the lter. [Bypass (orange ll)]*
5. PRE/POST-FADER Indicates where the EQ is inserted into the
audio chain. Pre-fade or Post-fade [Pre*, Post]
Note: EQ will apply to bus sends when applied Pre-fade on