users manual

833 User Guide
SAMPLE RATE Selects the current sample rate. 12 Track recording
is supported at all sample rates. [44100, 47952, 48000*, 48048,
96000, 192000 Hz]
BIT DEPTH Selects the current bit depth. [16, 24*]
PRE-ROLL TIME Selects the amount of Pre-roll recording. Adjustable
in 1 second increments. [0*-10 s.] Higher sampling rates reduce the
maximum allowed Pre-roll, 2 seconds is available at 192 kHz.
POST-ROLL TIME Selects the amount of Post-roll recording. Ad-
justable in 1 second increments. [0*-10 s.] If a recording is stopped
prematurely, press record within the post-roll time. The machine will
continue to record into the original le. Useful for when directors call
‘cut’ prematurely. During the post roll period, the transport joystick
ring LED shows orange. Pressing stop again during the post-roll period
cancels the post roll and stops recording.
TRACK TO MEDIA MENU Selects the sources for each recording
media as well as the WAV le type recorded. Tracks may be routed
to media to be recorded as Mono or Poly les. (Green ll in text box=
Mono le, Blue ll in text box= Poly le)
Tracks L/R and Bus1/2 can also be recorded as AAC audio les.
(Orange ll in text box). AAC les are ideal for transcription.
Select the AAC Bit Rate using the */** toggle switches. [32, 64, 128,
192, 256 kbps]
a. SSD- [ISO, L/R, Bus1/2, ALL]
b. SD1- [ISO, L/R, Bus1/2, ALL]
c. SD2- [ISO, L/R, Bus1/2, ALL]
*Monophonic le recording up to 48.048 kHz.
** AAC le format when recording at 48 kHz.
DEFAULT PLAYBACK DRIVE Selects the drive for playback. [SSD,
SD1, SD2]
PLAYBACK TAKE FROM TAKE LIST Enter the take list and select
a take with either knob. Pressing play will playback the selected take.
armed/disarmed while recording. This creates a seamless split to a
new le or les. The split takes will be sufxed with an incrementing
alphabetic character. i.e. A, B, C...
AUTO-SPLIT Takes that are auto-split due to the 4 GB limit of BWF
format are also sufxed using the same A, B, C...incrementation.
RECORD SPLIT Takes that are split when pressing record during
recording increment the le’s take number.