User Manual

MixPre-D User Guide and Technical Information
XLR Outputs
The two XLR outputs are active-balanced connections, each capable of driving long lines. These
connections can be used as either balanced or unbalanced. When unbalancing, use pin-2 for (+) and
pin-1 for ground; float (leave open) pin-3.
Tape Output
The Tape Output is typically used to interface with consumer inputs such as Comtek inputs or con-
sumer transcription recorders. The MixPre-D has an unbalanced, two-channel tape level output on a
single, TRS 3.5 mm connector.
The Tape Output program is identical to the XLR Output. Tape Out level is fixed at a -10 dBu nomi-
nal level and is electrically isolated from the XLR Outputs. Additionally, the Tape Output is used for
the Mix Out signal to link multiple Sound Devices mixers.
AES Digital Output
The Right XLR Output can be set to AES digital signal by sliding the XLR Output
switch to “AES”. In this configuration, the Right XLR Output contains both channels of
the MixPre-D’s output as a balanced, AES3 signal. All other outputs are unaffected, so inputs panned
left will appear on the left channel of the AES output plus the left channel of all analog outputs (in-
cluding the left XLR main output).
Sampling Rate
The MixPre-D’s digital system operates at sample rates of 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, or 96 kHz. When either
a USB connection or AES output is enabled the operating sample rate of the MixPre-D is indicated
by the front panel Sample Rate LEDs. If AES output is disabled and there is no USB connection to a
computer both Sample Rate LEDs are off.
To change the sampling rate of the MixPre-D, hold down the Headphone Controller while sliding
the Right XLR Output switch to “AES”.
When connected to a computer with a USB cable, the sample rate of the MixPre-D is set by the comput-
ers operating system and the sample rate cannot be changed from the MixPre-D. See Computer Interface
Stereo Unbalanced Mic Output
The Stereo Unbalanced Mic Output is designed to interface with “pro-sumer” DSLR-
type cameras. The MixPre-D has an unbalanced, two-channel “hot” mic level output
on a single, locking, TA3M connector.
The Stereo Unbalanced Mic Output program is identical to the XLR Output. This out-
put is fixed at a -36 dBu.
Headphone Gain
Headphone output level is controlled by the front panel Headphone Controller. While turn-
ing the Headphone Controller, the headphone gain level is indicated on the Right Output