User guide

Deleting a File
To delete a le:
1. Push the les buon to enter the File View.
2. Scroll with the Control Knob to highlight and select the le to be deleted.
3. Highlight and select the Delete option. A dialog will appear to conrm the deletion. Turn the
Control Knob to highlight and select “OK”.
File Size Limit
To aid in maintaining manageable le sizes, the PIX recorder will automatically begin writing a new
le after a set amount of minutes has elapsed in a recording. The beginning of this new le will be
seamless to the ending of the previous le. The default time before spliing the le is 60 minutes.
The Setup Menu option File Storage
File Split every adjusts the amount of time before a le split
File Naming
Files are named according to the le name format as set with Setup Menu option
File Storage
File Name Format. The options for le name format include various combinations of
CamID, Reel, Clip, Scene/Shot, and Take metadata elds.
RED File Format
When the Setup Menu option File Storage
File Name Format is set to RED File Format, the PIX
240i will generate les that follow the same naming convention used by RED cameras:
Camera Letter
Clip Number Date
File Management & Metadata
PIX 220i and PIX 240i Video Recorder User Guide