Owner manual

PIX 270i User Guide and Technical Information
v. 2.10 Features and specifications are subject to change. Visit www.sounddevices.com for the latest documentation.
Synchronization & Timecode
features an internal clock which has an accuracy of +/-0.2ppm (½ frame per 24 hours). Numerous
PIX 270i recorders can be used to maintain extremely tight synchronization.
Sync Reference
The following table lists the available sources for sync reference. Depending on the current Mode
(Audio or Video) and the transport state, some of these sources might not be available.
Signal Connection OSD
HDMI video HDMI input
Sync: HDMI
SDI video SDI input
Sync: SDI
Genlock SYNC IN
Sync: VidRef
Wordclock SYNC IN
Sync: WCK
MADI MADI IN (BNC or Optical)
Sync: MADI
AES channels 1-2 Digital Audio I/O (DB-25)
Sync: AES1-2
Internal None
Sync: Int
By default, the currently referenced synchronization source is always displayed on the OSD pre-
ceded by Sync:. When valid signal is present at the selected source, the OSD label will be displayed
in white text. When no valid signal is present at the selected source, the OSD label will flash and the
text will be red.
Video Mode Synchronization
Setup Menu option [Timecode/Sync - Sync Ref - Video Playback].
In Video Mode the PIX 270i’s sync source is always the incoming video signal when stopped and
while recording. This is to ensure that the PIX 270i is always in sync with the incoming video source.
During Playback of QuickTime files, the PIX 270i can reference its own Internal clock, Video Input
(SDI/HDMI), or Genlock signal at the SYNC IN BNC.
When [Timecode/Sync - Sync Ref - Video Playback] is set to Video Ref (Sync In), and no valid signal
is present at the SYNC IN connector when playback is initiated, a warning dialog will appear on the
When [Timecode/Sync - Sync Ref - Video Playback] is set to Video Input (SDI/HDMI), and the
playback file’s resolution and rate are different than the Video Input, the PIX 270i will automatically
use its Internal clock. The OSD label will flash with red text during playback to indicate that the sync
source is not present.
Audio Mode Synchronization
Setup Menu option [Timecode/Sync - Sync Ref - Audio Only Mode].
In Audio Mode, the audio sync reference source is used for both Record and Playback. Sync refer-
ence for Audio Only mode can be the PIX 270i’s own Internal clock, Wordclock (Sync In), AES 1-2,
MADI, Video Input (SDI/HDMI), or Video Ref (Sync In).
The supported sample rates for audio synchronization are those available in the Setup Menu option
[Audio - Audio Mode Sample Rate]. The PIX 270i will only lock to supported sample rates from any
source (including external sources). When an unsupported sample rate is present at the sync refer-
ence source, the OSD label will flash red to indicate there is no synchronization occurring.