Owner's Manual

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User Manual
Is the Gate shut?
It is possible for an incorrectly set Gate process to stop all signal.
This happens most often when the threshold is set too high and the signal never gets loud enough to 'open' the Gate. You can easily
check this by turn the Gate process o with the GATE button in the GATE section of the ACS (7.2.2).
If there is an Insert Point assigned, is the signal returned?
An insert point interrupts the signal ow by patching in a physical output and a physical input. If the signal is not
being returned at the Insert Return (or there is no Insert Return patch) then signal will stop there.
The easiest way to check is to check the INSERT page from the Touch Screen Main menu. If the problem channel has an Insert Point
assigned, check that both the Insert Send and Return for that Insert Point have valid patches and that the signal is being returned
(from an external processor, for example). //Reference section 5.1 has specific information on Insert patching.
Is the Channel on and unmuted?
If a Control Channel ON button is either not lit, or is illuminated red (part of an active Mute Group) then this will
mute the signal. Turn off the relevant Mute group or press the ON button to correct the problem.
The basic ON button operation is described in section 7.3, while Mute Groups are covered in section 8.1.
Is the Fader up?
The Fader need to be set high enough when routing to any post-fade destination. If your problem output route is set
pre-fader, then this will not affect anything.
You can check the Pre/Post routing of any Mix Bus from an Input Channel in the INPUTS menu - Per Mix Post/Pre (6.1.1).
Is the channel panned to a valid output?
If a signal is panned to the right and no right output exists - either because it isn't patched, or because there is
another problem with the right-hand path - then no signal will be heard.
Set Pan to the middle to make sure this isn't a problem.