User's Manual

Ui12, Ui16 User Manual
CHANNEL EDIT > AUX/FX SENDS (4 on Ui12, 6 on Ui16)
The AUX and FX SENDS tabs in the EDIT screen are a convenient way to access all output
contributions for a single channel - as opposed to the ‘mix view’ approach of the dedicated AUX SEND
and FX SEND pages. The AUX SENDS view/tab for both phone and tablet software versions includes
PRE/POST and MUTE buttons for each send.
The FX SENDS view/tab for both phone and tablet software versions offer MUTE buttons and
selections for editing the settings of the different FX processors. In the phone software, clicking/
touching one of these takes you to an additional detail view to edit that FX processor.
For details on the internal FX processors, please see section 7.