User manual

Delays repeat a sound a short time after it rst occurs. Delay becomes echo when the output is fed back into the
input (feedback). This turns a single repeat into a series of repeats, each a little softer than the last. The parameter
adjustment allows from 1 to 7 repeats, whilst the tap tempo sets the delay time between repeats up to a maxi-
mum of 1 second.
Chorus creates a lush, full sound by combining the original dry signal with a processed one which varies in pitch
very slightly over time. Chorus is commonly used to fatten up tracks and to add body to guitars without colouring
the original tone. Chorus can also be used with discretion to thicken a vocal track to make it sound like more than
one voice.
The parameter adjusts two variables at the same time - the rate at which the pitch is varied and the amount by
which it varies. On the minimum setting, the rate is very slow but the pitch variation is wide. On the maximum
setting, the rate is a factor of 10 faster, but the pitch variation is small.
Reverberation, or reverb for short is the complex eect created by the way we perceive sound in an enclosed
space. When sound waves encounter an object or boundary, they don’t just stop. Some of the sound is absorbed
by the object, but most of the sound is reected or is diused. In an enclosed space, reverb is dependent on many
features of that space, including the size, shape and the type of materials that line the walls. Even with closed
eyes, a listener can easily tell the dierence between a cupboard, a locker room and a large auditorium. Reverb is
a natural component of the acoustic experience, and most people feel that something is missing without it.
The reverb on Notepad produces an excellent simulation of a small room which is useful for vocal and percussive
instrument applications. The parameter control increases the decay time and the simulated room size to vary
between the “live sound of a small room up to a simulation of an auditorium with much longer reverb tails.
NOTEPAD 5, 8FX, 12FX User Manual