User's Manual

Radio Bands
Turn the right-rear knob (#9) counter-clockwise to toggle through
ve radio bands (two AM and three FM).
Storing Radio Presets
There are six radio presets for each radio band. For presets one
through ve, tune to the desired radio station and then press and
hold the appropriate push-button (#3-7) to store into memory. To
store preset number six, tune to the station you want to store, then
rotate and hold right-rear knob (#9) clockwise to store.
Selecting Radio Presets
To recall radio presets, press the appropriate push-button (#3-7) in the
selected radio band. To recall preset six, rotate the right-rear knob
(#9) clockwise and release it.
Press the right-front knob (#8) to mute/unmute or pause/play
depending on the source mode.
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