Owner's manual

The FREQUENCY knob selects the frequency of sound on which the wah effect
acts most strongly. In more technical terms, the FREQUENCY knob specifies
the starting frequency of the filter sweep. Turning this clockwise will make
the wah sound higher and thinner, and turning it counter-clockwise will make
is sound darker and thicker.
When the EFFECT knob is set to VOLUME SWELL, the FREQUENCY knob controls
the gain applied to the Hot Hand signals. Increasing the gain will allow you to
get larger volume changes with smaller motions of your hand.
For information on how to adjust the gain of the Hot Hand signals for effects other than volume
swell, see the Hidden Feature and Controls section on page 20.
The MOTION knob essentially determines how sensitive the Hot Hand is. Set-
ting this knob towards “pick” will make the Hot Hand more sensitive so that
even the smallest motions will be picked up. Setting it to near “strum” is best
for strumming, and “flail” will reduce the sensitivity so that more dramatic
motions are required to produce a noticeable effect. Alternatively, the motion
knob can be thought of as setting the amount of “smoothing” of the Hot Hand
signal. “Pick” having the least smoothing, while “flail” has the most.
Turning the MOTION knob all the way around past the six o’clock position
causes the Hot Hand to invert its axis—up is down and down is up. When the
INVERT SENSOR light is off, the product is in normal mode (hand up boosts
higher frequencies), while on indicates inversion (hand up boosts lower
When the EFFECT knob is set to Auto-Wah, the Hot Hand signals are not used
and the MOTION knob controls the speed of the envelope follower.
Connect the Hot Hand here directly or using the supplied EXTENSION CABLE.
This is where you connect your guitar to the box, using a standard ¼-inch
guitar cable.
This input allows you to connect any standard expression pedal to the prod-
uct. If the EXPRESSION IN and the Hot Hand are connected at the same time,
the control box will take the sum of their positions to control the wah. If the
Hot Hand is disconnected, then the pedal will have exclusive control and the
product will function like a traditional wah pedal.
Technical Note: The pedal needs to be a potentiometer, from 10K to 100K, with one side connected
to ring, and the other to ground, and the wiper connected to the tip of the TRS ¼-inch connector.
We have found that the Moog and M Audio EXP pedals work well.
This output can be used to “pass on” the Hot Hand signal to future Source
Audio Hot Hand Products so that one Hot Hand Sensor will control multiple
effects. This application is also known as “Daisy Chaining”.
WARNING! Do not connect this to any device other than the SENSOR IN jack
on another Source Audio product. Damage may result.
Sensor In
Guitar In
Expression In
Sensor Out
Connections | 1312 | Knobs