
12 | Controls: Knobs
MOD SOURCE Knob: When Hot Hand, MIDI, or an expression pedal are not
being used, the MANTA features 5 different types of modulation control:
Slow Attack Envelope Follower, Sine Wave LFO, Square Wave LFO, Sawtooth
Wave LFO, and Fast Attack Envelope Follower. The MOD SOURCE knob
controls a gradual blend in between each selection, so setting this knob
between two of the modulation graphics will create a sound with features of
both modulation forms.
• Slow Attack Envelope Follower ( ): The Envelope Follower
produces a control signal based on the volume of your instrument. Varying
your playing dynamics will change how this control signal affects the sound.
By using the SPEED knob, you can adjust the timing of the Attack and Decay
to control the rise and fall of the control signal.
• Sine Wave LFO ( ): The Sine Wave LFO produces a very smooth
and uniformly moving modulation. Use the Sine Wave LFO for a more
traditional chorus or phaser-like effect.
• Square Wave LFO ( ): Unlike the smooth modulation of a Sine
Wave, the Square Wave LFO has a blockish sound of extreme peaks and
valleys. Use the Square Wave LFO for a dramatic, choppy sounding effect.
• Sawtooth Wave LFO ( ): The Sawtooth Wave LFO has similarities
to both the Sine and Square wave, producing smooth rises to the peak like
the Sine wave, but a dramatic drops like the Square Wave.
• Fast Attack Envelope Follower ( ): The Attack, or rise of the
control signal, is set to a fixed “fast” speed. By using the SPEED knob, you
can adjust the timing of the Decay, which is the fall of the control signal.