Owner's manual

12 | Controls: Buttons
This control allows for quick adjustments to the noise gate threshold.
Since distortion effects can have very high signal gain, the background
noise and hum are also gained up and can become undesirably loud.
Enabling the noise gate on the Soundblox 2 Multiwave will help silence
the background noise when the guitar is not being played. There are
4 levels for the noise gate threshold: OFF (all LEDs off), LOW, MED, HIGH.
Low being the lowest threshold and least aggressive gate action, HIGH
being the highest threshold with the most gating action
Note: this button can also be used to select and control the function of
and external controller through the MULTI-FUNCTION input. See the
External Control section.
There are three selectable tone shapes: TREBLE, MID, and BASS. This
control works in conjunction with the TONE knob. Press the TONE SHAPE
button to scroll through the three tone control options. The TONE knob
will adjust the level of cut or boost for the selected TONE SHAPE. The
three tone shapes can be set independently and will not affect each other.
If you need to quickly set all of the three bands back to the default flat
setting, simply press and hold the TONE SHAPE button for 2 seconds.
The TREBLE, MID, and BASS LEDs will blink three times rapidly to show
that they have been reset.