
18 | External Control
Note: Different control assignments can be used for each preset. Don’t
forget to save your settings!
The MULTI-FUNCTION control input can be used to morph between the
two presets. For example, if preset 1 is saved as a low gain TUBE DRIVE
and preset 2 is saved as a high gain BIG PI tone you can transform
from Preset 1 to Preset 2 by rocking a Source Audio Expression Pedal
from heel to toe (this process can also be performed with Hot Hand or
a MIDI control device). As you morph between the presets, the two
footswitch LEDs will change brightness depending on where you are in
the transition.
It’s worth mentioning that the morphing function is not a cross fade
between two sounds, but rather a gradual shift between each preset’s
individual parameters. So the middle of the expression pedal range is
truly an “in-between” sound. Some obvious applications are morphing
from clean to distorted sounds, low drive settings to high drive settings,
changes in volume, or between dramatically different sounds.
The expression pedal can be effectively inverted depending on which
preset is initially enabled. Keep in mind that adjusting knobs while using
the expression pedal will only control the originally selected preset, inde-
pendent of the expression pedal position. Also, while tweaking presets to
get the desired pair of sounds for morphing, don’t forget to save before
switching to the other preset.