User Manual

10 | Controls: Equalizer
One of the key features of the BEF Pro is the 7-band graphic equalizer.
Each band can be adjusted up or down in 1 dB steps from -12 dB to +12
dB. The display shows 1 dB steps by lighting adjacent
LEDs with varying
brightness. The factory default places the
EQ after the MIX control apply-
ing the
EQ to both the wet and dry signals. Alternatively, a special Back-
page parameter (See Backpages instructions) offers the option of placing
EQ on just the wet signal. Another Backpage parameter extends the
EQ by an octave and allows access to the adjustment of one additional
high frequency band (
8K). The equalizer section has three controls:
The two buttons on either side of the
EQ knob select the frequency band
to edit.
EQ knob
The equalizer knob changes the value of the selected band up or down in
1 dB steps.
Tip: You can quickly and easily zero the equalizer by pressing both left
and right band select buttons at the same time. The equalizer display
will reset to a default “flat” setting.
62 125 250 500 1K
(XD) (XC) (OE) (VA) (Q) (EL) (LS)
2K 4K
< >
Band Select RightBand Select Left
EQ Knob