
Use with Hot Hand | 1918 | MIDI Control
The Classic Pro can optionally be controlled by an external MIDI controller
such as the Hot Hand
MIDI-Exp controller through the MIDI input. All of
the knob parameters as well as morphing can be controlled via
Continuous Controller messages. Individual presets can be selected by
MIDI Program Change messages. The Classic Pro can also be put into
bypass in this way. The following table describes the use of the
MIDI input.
MIDI implementation:
The MIDI Channel is selectable as a Backpage parameter. Please see the
Backpage Parameter section for more details.
While the primary function of the Classic Pro is as a standalone effects
pedal you also have the option of exploring some additional functions
by plugging in a Hot Hand sensor. When a sensor is connected and
enabled, it will control the amount of
DRIVE. The maximum amount of
drive you can get by moving the sensor is determined by the position
of the
DRIVE knob.
Hot Hand Basics
The Hot Hand motion sensors are sold separately and come in either
wired or wireless versions. Both will work with the Classic Pro. Addition-
ally, the
SENSOR IN jack will be compatible with any future Source Audio
sensors. The
SENSOR OUT jack duplicates the signals on the SENSOR IN
and can be used to daisy-chain multiple pedals together using the same
Hot Hand sensor.
The Hot Hand ring contains a two axis accelerometer that responds
to acceleration and is not based on any type of proximity to the guitar.
By moving your hand or by changing the position of your hand you can
modulate the effect. For a good description of Hot Hand Theory, down-
load the Hot Hand Motion Controlled Wah Filters manual. It is available
Sold Separately
Parameter MessageType DataValue
Enable Preset 1 Program Change 001
Enable Preset 2 Program Change 002
Enable Preset 3 Program Change 003
Enable Preset 4 Program Change 004
Enable Preset 5 Program Change 005
Enable Preset 6 Program Change 006
Disable Preset – Bypass Program Change 007
Parameter MessageType DataValue1 DataValue2
Drive 1 Continuous Controller 020 0–127
Midrange Continuous Controller 021 0–127
Drive 2 Continuous Controller 022 0–127
Output Continuous Controller 023 0–127
Morph Continuous Controller 024 0–127