
Theory of Operation | 76 | Theory of Operation
MIDRANGE control
This control provides
12 dB of cut or boost to a midrange frequency band
which is approximately two octaves wide. The exact frequency is different
depending on which distortion has been selected.
Graphic EQ
7-band graphic equalizer can be adjusted in 1 dB steps. Moving
bands up or down
1 dB can make a signicant change to the sound.
So don’t think that you have to make big adjustments with the
EQ. The
EQ is at the end of the processing, after the distortion.
In this setting, the distortion curves are straight lines (meaning there is
no distortion). The graphic
EQ can be adjusted to taste. The MIDRANGE
control is also still active in this mode. The
DRIVE controls will need to be
set around
9 o’clock to ensure that the signal doesn’t clip. Although the
distortion curves are at, there still comes a point where the signal will
clip if the
DRIVE is turned up too far.
If both
DRIVES are turned up, there will be a raspy sound as the signal
peaks are hard clipped. In general, this doesn’t sound very good. How-
ever, if the
DRIVE controls are cranked, the resultant distortion is not bad
at all despite consisting only of digital hard clipping. Don’t believe that?
Give it a try. This distortion sound can be improved by rolling off the
control and using the graphic EQ to further shape the sound.
The Classic Pro features distortion effects that are re-creations of popu-
lar pedal and amplier based distortions. We have chosen names for the
distortions that will be suggestive of the sounds you will get with all of
the controls in the central part of their range. We are not trying to imply
exact simulations of the various analog effects. Rather, this is a different
take on classic sounds based more upon evaluating the sounds by ear
and overall circuit function instead of attempting to do a mathematical
model or emulation (which, incidentally, we think is really not possible
for distortions).
The following list describes the major new features available in the
Classic Pro:
Most analog fuzzes and distortions have multiple points where the signal
passes through a distortion circuit, an op-amp, a transistor, or a diode.
We provide two such cascaded distortion functions, each with a
control in front of it. The
MIDRANGE control sits between the two distor-
tions. The graphic
EQ is at very end of the chain.
DRIVE controls
The DRIVE knobs control the gain of the two distortion curves. You can
obtain the same amount of overall gain through the system with various
combinations of the two controls: one high and the other low, both in the
middle, etc. However, the resulting sound will be different. Distortion
DRIVE 1 has more EQ applied to it than the distortion from DRIVE 2.
Essentially, you just have to experiment and listen to the results.
If the
MIDRANGE control is increased, a hotter signal will be applied to
the second distortion curve and you might need to reduce
accordingly. Maxing out both
DRIVE controls will probably be excessive.
Most of the distortion avors sound better with more moderate
settings. DRIVE 1 and your guitar volume both directly control the signal
applied to the rst distortion curve. Using a higher setting of
DRIVE 1, you
can set your guitar volume quite low for a cleaner tone and increase your
guitar volume when you need more distortion.