User Manual

Backpage Parameters | 25
EQ Location (EL)
There are two possible EQ locations within the pedals signal chain. The
lowest LED in the EQ Location column signifies the factory default set-
ting, which places the EQ after the mix control, thereby affecting both the
wet and dry signal. Selecting the other LED position applies the EQ only
to the wet signal, leaving the dry signal unaffected.
LFO Shape Control (LS)
The Poly-Mod Pro offers nine different LFO shapes. Within the EQ box on
the pedals faceplate, a graphic of each LFO shape has been placed next
its corresponding LED selector position. The available LFO shapes are:
1. User Downloadable Step Sequence with Up to
16 Steps (factory set to 6 Step Triangle).
2. Random Steps
3. 8 Step Triangle
4. 4 Step Triangle
5. 4 Step Saw
6. Square
7. Rectified Sine
8. Rising Saw
9. Sine
Except for the random steps, all waveforms complete their entire cycle in
the same amount of time. The random step waveform does four steps in
that time interval.
The User Downloadable Step Sequence can be customized and saved
to the pedal via a software tool that is available on the Poly-Mod Pro
product page at
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