User's Manual

Ultraview Care Network
Setting Alarm Limits
You can change parameter alarm limits by using the parameter’s Alarm Limits
menu. The steps to the left illustrate the minimum procedure used to adjust high
and low alarm limits for a parameter.
Identifying Alarm Levels
Alarm conditions are visually and audibly prioritized as high, medium, or low.
* The repetition rate for the tone bursts on the High, Medium, and Low levels may
be adjusted for all monitors by your system administrator.
Parameters may contain additional alarm limit features not
listed here. Read the specific parameter chapter (for example,
ECG or NIBP) in this manual for details.
To set fetal alert limits, please refer to Fetal Monitoring on page
15-3 for further details.
Table 1: Bedside Alarms
Priority Tone Type* Visual Tone Duration
High Continuous tone, or 2
bursts of 5 tones every
Flashing key; message
appears in red on color
Until the alarm condition is
resolved, the alarm is
suspended, or the tone is reset
Medium Intermittent tone (one
second ON, one second
OFF), or burst of 3 tones
every 30-seconds
Flashing key; message
appears in yellow on
color monitors
Until the alarm condition is
resolved, the alarm is
suspended, or the tone is reset
Low Intermittent tone (one
second ON, four
seconds OFF), or 1 tone
every 30-seconds
Flashing key; message
appears in yellow on
color monitors
Until the alarm condition is
resolved, the alarm is
suspended, or the tone is reset
Parameters shown in the ECG waveform zone in Enhanced
Vital Signs mode do not alarm at the central station. Only
parameters set via the Alarm Watch mode will alarm as set
up by the system administrator.
To set alarm limits:
1 Touch a parameter key (ECG,
TEMP, etc.).
3 Ensure ALARMS ON is set.
4 Select HI = or LO =.
5 Use arrow keys to adjust.