User's Manual

Ultraview Care Network
The transmitter does not require any preventive maintenance other than cleaning
but should be cleaned after each use.
To clean the transmitter, use only the following agents.
Mild soap and water solution
U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) green soap
Sodium hypochlorite solution (1:10 dilution of household bleach in water)
Phenolic germicidal detergent solutions (1% aqueous solutions)
Isopropyl alcohol solution (70%)
Digital Telemetry Receiver Module
The 90478 telemetry receiver module plugs into a bedside or transport monitor, or
into a digital telemetry module housing. The receiver module receives patient vital
signs data from the transmitter. This data is reconstructed by the receiver module,
displayed on the monitor and analyzed as described in ECG on page 8-3,
Arrhythmia on page 9-3, and ST Analysis on page 10-3. Refer also to SpO2 on
page 14-3.
Digital Telemetry Receiver Housing
The telemetry receiver housing can hold up to eight separate telemetry receiver
modules. Except for the ON/OFF switches, there are no operator controls on the
module housing. For normal operation with AC mains power applied, the AC
Telemetry systems may be more susceptible to
interference than hardwired systems, which may impact
signal quality.
Operation of hand-held, wireless telephone equipment
(cordless telephones, cellular telephones) near telemetry
systems may cause interference and should be
discouraged. While personal communication devices are
turned on, a separation of >6.5 feet (>2 meters) should be
maintained between personal communication devices and
interior walls, the patient cables, and any electronic
medical device to which the patient may be connected.
Patients should not use any type of electronic
communication equipment while connected to any
electronic medical device without an on-site evaluation by
the biomedical staff. Two-way radio equipment and other
personal communication devices must be evaluated on
site to determine if additional space limitations are needed.
Do not install a telemetry receiver module into a bedside
that is currently equipped with any other ECG module,
hardwired or telemetry (or SpO
module or NIBP module, if
the 90343 is operating with that specific receiver module).
Doing so may cause inaccurate patient data displays at
remote monitors.