User's Manual

Fetal Monitoring
Printing Heart Rates Over 240 bpm (ECG only)
When a spiral electrode is in use and the heart rate exceeds 240 bpm, the
numeric value (up to 300) is displayed on the screen. On the fetal strip chart, the
monitor will automatically plot the scale at half-rate when the heart rate is over
240 bpm (i.e., if the heart rate is 250 bpm, it plots at 125 bpm). A two-dot bar
prints on the top of the fetal strip chart to indicate this half-rate scale is in effect.
When the heart rate falls below 240 bpm, the monitor resumes normal plotting
Maternal Parameters
The maternal physiological data (such as SpO
, NIBP, etc.) from the Ultraview
Command Module or other Spacelabs Medical modules are printed on the fetal
strip at designated intervals (1- to 60-minutes).
The fetal module can recognize and edit fetal heart rate changes between two
consecutive heart beats that are greater than 30 beats per minute. If ECG edit is
ON, connecting (slew) lines between consecutive heart rates are not plotted.
Under these circumstances, the tracing appears to have gaps.
ECG Plots
When monitoring in the ECG mode (spiral electrode), the monitor can be setup to
print short “rhythm strips”. If a change in heart rate greater than 20 bpm between
two consecutive fetal ECG complexes is detected, this change triggers the
monitor to plot the ECG rhythm strip, representing approximately 4-seconds of
data: 2-seconds before and 2-seconds after the triggering event.
The ECG rhythm strip feature can also be triggered manually. When the Event
Marker is pressed (and the ECG HR is not plotting), a small arrow appears on the
strip and the ECG rhythm strip plots.
The ECG data is presented at standard 25 mm/sec, although the monitor runs at 3
cm/min. It will take about three and a half minutes at 3 cm/min. for an entire ECG
rhythm strip to print.
Maternal SpO
and heart rate values are printed on the strip as
and MHR.
The monitor does not recognize another triggering event until
the rhythm plot is complete. Following completion, the monitor
will recognize and plot the next event.
Artifacts may also trigger the monitor to plot the fetal ECG.
Arrows indicate the triggering event.
To set the time interval for SpO
and MHR parameters to print on
the fetal strip:
1 Touch the SETUP key on the
main fetal menu.
3 Select numeric value equal to
the number of minutes to set the
time interval for SpO
and MHR
parameters to print on the fetal
To set ECG HR Edit:
1 Touch the SETUP key on the
main fetal menu.
2 Touch the FETAL ECG key.
3 Select ECG HR Edit ON or
To set ECG plot:
1 Touch the SETUP key on the
main fetal menu.
2 Touch the FETAL ECG key.
3 Select ECG PLOT ON or OFF.