User's Manual

Ultraview Care Network
Left Hemisphere Electrode Labels — EEG channels are labeled with lead
names selected in the Initial Setup Menu. Here, the left anterior EEG channel
is labeled F3-C3, and the left posterior channel is labeled C3-P3.
Right Hemisphere Electrode Labels — In this setup, the label for the right
anterior channel is F4-C4, and the right posterior channel is labeled C4-P4.
Frequency Axis Label — Frequency is displayed along the vertical, or Y axis.
The labels indicate the range displayed. The bottom line will always read 0
Hz. The top line will show 10, 15, 20, or 30 Hz, depending on what maximum
frequency is chosen.
Density Spectral Array (DSA) Display With Trend Overlay — For
monochrome monitors, the DSA pattern is formed by packing dots in
proportion to signal amplitude at each frequency. Frequencies with higher
power have higher dot densities. For color monitors, the DSA pattern is
formed using seven levels of grey. The intensity of each pixel is proportional
to signal amplitude at each frequency. The Trend Overlay is drawn on top of
the DSA pattern. The overlay can indicate the Spectral Edge Frequency
(SEF), Median Power Frequency (MPF), or Peak Power Frequency (PPF).
On color monitors, it appears as a magenta line.
Time Axis — The horizontal, or X axis represents time. Two vertical columns
of pixels are drawn each update period. The display update rate depends on
the time base selected. The time base is the total time of the displayed DSA,
and can be set to 5-, 10-, 20- or 40-minutes. The time axis is divided into five
equal segments using intensified dots.
Frequency Axis — The vertical or Y axis represents the DSA frequency. The
vertical axis is divided into five segments. Each segment is equal to the total
frequency displayed, divided by five.
EEG parameter Key — Touch this key to access all EEG menus. If there is
more than one EEG module connected to the monitor, then you can label the
keys EEG1, EEG2, EEG3, or EEG4.