
7 Field of view (FoV) and field of illumination (FoI)
The Rx (or collector) exclusion zone includes all module assembly tolerances and is used to define the cover
window dimensions. The cover window opening must be equal to or wider than the exclusion zone.
The detection volume represents the applicative or system FoV in which a target is detected, and a distance
measured. It is determined by the Rx lens or the Rx aperture, and is narrower than the exclusion zone.
Figure 21. System FoV and exclusion zone description (not to scale)
Table 16. FoV angles
Target at 100 mm (white 88%) Target at 1000 mm (white 88%)
Detection volume (°) 22° 18°
Collector exclusion cone (°) 25° 25°
Note: Detection volume depends on the environment and sensor configuration as well as target distance, reflectance,
ambient light level, sensor timing budget, distance mode, and tuning parameters.
Note: The detection volume of Table 16. FoV angles has been measured with a white 88% reflectance perpendicular
target in full FoV, located at 100 mm and 1000 mm from the sensor, without ambient light (dark conditions),
using the default driver configuration.
The VCSEL FoI is shown in the figure below. The X-axis is 16° and the Y-axis is 16° (1/e²).
Figure 22. VL53L4CD FoI
Field of view (FoV) and field of illumination (FoI)
DS13812 - Rev 3
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