User's Manual

User’s Guide
LAN Port Priority
QoS allows you to prioritize performance for the Router’s LAN Ports (1-4). It does not require support from your ISP
because the prioritized ports are LAN ports going out to your network.
Port Number: The Router’s LAN port numbers are automatically displayed here.
Flow Control: For each port, if you want the Router to control the transmission of data between network devices,
select Enabled. To disable this feature, select Disabled.
Speed: This setting limits the speed possible for each port. To use this feature, select 50M, 20M, 10M, 5M, 2M, 1M,
512k, or 256k (M stands for Mbps, while k stands for kbps). If you do not want to use this feature, keep the default,
Enabled: Click the Enabled checkbox to enable QoS for the appropriate LAN port.
Change these settings as described here and click the Apply button to apply your changes or click Cancel to cancel
your changes. For additional information, click Help.