User Manual

User’s Guide
4.4 Security
Wireless Security
The Wireless Security Setting separates 4 items setting. They are included ACL, RADIUS Server,
WEP and WPA.
Access Control List : This function will allow administrator to have access control by enter MAC
address of client stations.
RADIUS Servers : With this option you use a RADIUS server to handle access control.
RADIUS (“Remote Authentication Dial In User Service” is a standard for user authentication. The
RADIUS server contains a database with users and their access rights. When a user wants to use the
Access Point, the Access Point contacts the RADIUS server to see if this is permitted.
To add a RADIUS server:
1. Click Add to add a RADIUS server.
2. In the window that appears, enter the following data:
- IP Address: the IP address of the RADIUS server.
- UDP Port: the UDP port number of the RADIUS server.
- Secret: the password for access to the RADIUS server.
3. Click OK. The server is now added to the list.
You can add more than one RADIUS server. The first server in the list will be used by default, the
second will be used if the first is not available, etc.
To delete a RADIUS server from the list:
1. Click Delete.
2. Select the RADIUS server that you want to remove from the list.
3. Click OK. The list is updated.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) : select the check box will enable WEP function. WEP security
supports 2 types encrypted format, one is Hexadecimal and the other is ASCII format.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) : The WPA security pre-shared key supports TKIP and AES
algorithm. TKIP and AES utilize a stronger encryption method and incorporates Message Integrity
Code (MIC) to provide protection against hackers. To use WPA Pre-Shared Key, enter a password in
the WPA Shared Key field between 8 and 63 characters long. You may also enter a Group Key
renewal interval time. You also can using WPA RADIUS to enlaces the wireless security.