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400 Anchor Mill Rd. New Castle, DE 19720 Phone: 800-537-2107 Fax: 800-977-2747
1/15/16 92-S-9100-9200-05
Q. How does the Sensorflo® faucet work?
A. It uses infrared technology. The sensor emits a non-visible beam of light. When an object enters the
detection area, the sensor signals the solenoid valve to open for water to flow. When an object leaves the
detection area, the sensor signals the valve to close.
Q. Is the Speakman Sensorflo® faucet sensor beam adjustable?
A. No, the Speakman Sensorflo® faucet sensor beam is not adjustable. It has been factory set to Speakman’s
specifications for these faucets.
Q. What about water conservation?
A. The Sensorflo® design directly addresses water conservation. Water savings of up to 85% are not unusual.
Additional energy savings are realized by conserving hot water.
Q. Can the water temperature of the Sensorflo® faucet be adjusted?
A. Yes, this faucet has hot and cold water mechanical mixing valves. If you need to meet ASSE 1070, you must
use our TMV (Thermostatic Mixing Valve) option.
Q. Does Sensorflo® reduce maintenance?
A. By elimination of on/off handles, control components are reduced and fittings stay cleaner longer. Only a
light rinsing and wiping is required to restore the beauty of the Sensorflo® faucets. Drip stains are eliminated.
Fingerprints and soap spots on sinks and fittings are avoided. Finishes last longer and wash areas stay cleaner.
Germs and bacteria are not transferred as easily making for a healthier environment.
Q. The chrome finish on my faucet seems to be deteriorating. What can I do to prevent this from happening?
A. Many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals and abrasives. These products should not be
used on any chrome plated plumbing products. Please refer to the Care & Cleaning section of this manual for
Speakman Company’s recommendations.
Q. Do I require an electrical outlet under the sink for an –AC faucet?
A. No, but you will need a source of electricity, 110 VAC. For other optional installations, such as remote or hard
wired installations required by state and code regulations, a multi-unit transformer can be located elsewhere
and wired to each unit. Contact Speakman Customer Service for Multiple Unit Installations.
Q. Does the Sensorflo® system shut off immediately when an object leaves the sensing area?
A. A very short delay of approximately 0 to 1 second occurs before water is shut off.
Q. Is there a way to adjust the flow of water?
A. Yes, you can choose the option with a 0.5 GPM flow control instead of 1.5 GPM Aerator which comes
standard with each faucet. Also the temperature adjusters can also be used to control the flow of water.
Q. Is my faucet protected from power surges?
A. Yes, Sensorflo® has been designed to have built-in power surge protection.
Q. If we lose power, do I have to do something to get the faucet to operate again?
A. After a power outage, the faucet is automatically ready for operation as soon as the power comes back on.
Q. If I call a plumber to come and install this faucet, will they know enough to hook it up?
A. Our installation diagrams are easily followed.